Free Reminder to Employee to Renew Drivers License Template

Free Reminder to Employee to Renew Drivers License Template in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook

Free Download this Reminder to Employee to Renew Drivers License Template Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Taking care of your employees goes way beyond providing the benefits that will give value to their lives. What better value can you give now? Making your business more professional includes creating processes that are easier for all. With our template, you can most definitely accomplish this! Save time by giving your team an easy-to-fill-out document and you will never have to think about all those required information. Create and customize Legally Compliant Business documents that will get you organized. Streamline your business with everything you need! This is a deal that provides the most value of your hard-earned money, so download today!

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Based on our records for the company’s drivers, it shows that your driver’s license needs to be renewed on or before [RENEWAL DATE]. 
Since [YOUR COMPANY NAME] rules and regulations state that we cannot allow drivers to drive any of the company’s vehicles with an expired license, we suggest you take a leave on renewal date, so that you can process the renewal of your license. Once done, kindly show us your new license so we can clear you for work. 
Please do not disregard this notice in order to avoid inconvenience. 



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