Valuing customer feedback is one of the most important keys to an effective customer service strategy that is sure to take your business to the next level of satisfying customers. Our We Are Not Taking Your Dissatisfaction Lightly letter template demonstrates how deep your commitment is in making a sincere apology to appease your customers. This document is made available for your instant access after download. Have all the freedom of editing any part of the document to fit your specific purpose. Take responsibility for any of your mistakes and show how you value customers by downloading and making use of our template today!
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We Are Not Taking Your Dissatisfaction Lightly Template
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter sent last [DATE 1] specifying the problems you have encountered with our [PRODUCT/SERVICES].
We’re sincerely sorry for the inconvenience it has caused you and we assure you that we are not taking your dissatisfaction lightly.
While we do our best to make sure that our products are of the best quality, we admit that they are certainly not perfect. But when we do find out about our products’ imperfections, we do everything we can to correct them as we promise to give our customers their money’s worth.
As such, I have forwarded your letter to the proper officials and departments in our organization, including our owner, who wants to make sure that all the concerns are attended to as soon as possible. Further, we are already working on improving our internal processes, which I hope you will bear with us in the meantime until we develop a better and more effective approach to handling specific issues regarding the use of our products.
Thank you for your patience regarding all of this.