Tired of creating expense vouchers from scratch? Then worry no more. We offer you our high-quality printable Expense Voucher Templates that will help you create expense vouchers more quickly than usual, which will then significantly save time on your behalf. Why so? It's because they're already professionally and beautifully designed courtesy of our professional template designers. You can even personalize them as much as you want because they're 100% customizable and easily editable using Adobe Illustrator, MS Word, Apple Pages, Adobe Photoshop, and MS Publisher. Moreover, they're available for printing in 8.5 by 4 inches with bleed. Go on and start downloading now!
What is an Expense Voucher?
An expense voucher is used as a requisition formal document for the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by a traveling employee or businessman from a business trip. It can also be considered as a reimbursement form and a travel voucher. For a traveler to claim an expense voucher, one of the documents he/she must present is an expense report. It is where all the incurred payments are recorded during his/her business trip, both using cash and credit card and including miscellaneous expenses.
How to Create an Expense Voucher

Expense vouchers aren't that complicated to create compared to other sample vouchers that we know of, especially those that are used for marketing and promotional purposes. But still, it's better to know how to do it right. So without further ado, here are a few tips on how to create an expense voucher.
1. Use High-Quality Software and Tools
Using high-quality software will significantly help you create a digital or printable voucher of any kind. Plus, it becomes a lot easier. The software you should consider utilizing are Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, MS Word, Apple Pages, and Publisher. They are user-friendly and simple. Even if you're not an expert designer or layout artist, you can create vouchers effectively with them. They also have features that enable you to personalize your expense voucher as much as you want. Alternatively, you can also make use of downloadable and printable expense voucher templates, which are available here on our website.
2. Don't Overdo It
Expense vouchers aren't like other business vouchers that are used for marketing and promotional purposes. Hence, there's absolutely no need to make it artistic. It should just have a simple and professional appearance.
3. Provide Enough Space For Traveler's Info
Provide ample space on the voucher since some individuals have long names. It would be quite inconvenient for travelers with long names to write their complete names within a limited provided space. The same practice must also be observed when providing space for the contact number, mailing address, email address, office address, ID number, and purpose of travel in the voucher ticket.
4. Don't Forget the Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions of an expense voucher must always be stated clearly. It's best to encode it in front of your expense voucher so that it'll be noticed immediately. The terms and conditions must clearly state what's in it for the traveler should he/she affix his/her signature on the printable voucher, and also the rules and procedures he/she must follow.
5. Provide a Spacious Table for Traveler's Expenses
This is where the traveler will convey in detail all the payments he/she incurred during his/her business trip. Make the table spacious enough. The table must include columns for dates, descriptions, transportation expenses, meal expenses, accommodation expenses, and the total amount. Below the table, on the lower right corner, is the section where you write down the total amount of all expenses.