Employees who reach the age of retirement stop from working to enjoy the benefits of their hardwork. When this time comes, the employee writes a retirement letter to their boss as an appreciation of the years of guidance and work relationship. The letter should be addressed to the manager and HR staff to ensure that healthcare and pension of the employee is handed accordingly. Retirement letters also serve as a formal farewell to the colleagues. If you're an employee and you're stuck in writing a retirement letter, our templates can help you with that.
Browse our catalog in Template.net to see a selection of retirement letter templates. The sample text is already streamlined, so you don't have to start writing from scratch. Our templates also have tokens that you can fill out with the required information. It reduces the hassle on your part. Convey your message sincerely when you use our templates. Everything is outlined for you to use in a matter of minutes.
Get the design you want and do the editing until you're satisfied with the final draft. Our templates give your letter a more professional approach to writing retirement letters. Give your boss a thank you message that will touch his heart. Save your work and download the template after editing. All our templates are printable as well. Despite the notice, make your letter a memorable one to your employer.