1. Define the Quality Objectives
In creating a quality assurance plan, you must start by defining the objectives of your project plan. The objectives must be SMART—specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. You must also clearly specify how many defects are tolerable or acceptable and what are the ways to remedy them in the longer term. Make sure that the quality targets of your company align with the customer's expectations. Note that you must also consider any relevant federal and state regulations that may apply.
2. Assign Roles and Responsibilities
After defining the quality objectives, the next thing to do is to define the roles and responsibilities of the team members. It is important to get everyone in the team involved since creating a quality assurance plan requires a team effort. This can be done by first listing the roles. Then, these roles must be assigned the appropriate people. In listing the role, you must be specific in order for the assigned person to clearly understand their designated responsibility.
3. Define Tasks and Schedule
Now that you are done assigning roles and responsibilities to the appropriate persons, you can now start creating the tasks which must directly relate to the quality objectives. Then, using the objectives as a reference, you can create the sample schedule in two ways, that is, from the deadline in or from the start date out.
4. Coordinate with Other Plans
The worst thing that might happen when you create a plan is that it might contradict with other plans. For example, your quality assessment plan may go against the risk management plan. In this regard, it is essential that you coordinate with the people working with other plans in order to be on the same page with them. Apart from the risk management plan, you must also consider coordinating with the resource management plans, change management plans, measurement plans, documentation plans, and other supporting processes.
5. Implement the Quality Assurance Plan and Measure the Results
Now that everything is set, it is time to implement the plan and measure the results through satisfaction surveys or reviews. Using the different types of control reviews, such as peer reviews, documentation reviews, deliverable reviews, among others, your plan must be reviewed every few months in order to assess its effectiveness and make some changes or adjustments to the plan if necessary.