Are you looking for a material that enables you to create rack cards more quickly for your business's promotional needs? If so, then you should consider our ready-made Rack Card Templates. These templates enable you to create eye-catching and informative rack cards for a summer camp, wedding photography, real estate agency, fashion boutique, management consulting, and many more. All of them are easily-editable and fully customizable in all versions of Adobe Illustrator. Our templates have a lot to offer your business as they convey information about your offers at a glance in a variety of locations. Print-ready and perfect for commercial printing as well as personal printing, and available in 4x9 inches with bleed. Download any of our high-quality Rack Card Templates in Adobe Illustrator now!
How To Make Rack Cards In Adobe Illustrator?
There are a lot of ways to promote your product or service. Each of them is effective as long as you know how to execute it. However, among the best are the use of rack cards. You might come across rack cards when you walk in through various stores. These types of marketing material show complete information about certain products and services, along with photographs and preview images. So if you're planning to promote your own business's products and services, we encourage you to use rack cards. We're going to help you by sharing with you what we know in creating them.
1. Launch Adobe Illustrator
When it comes to creating promotional paper documents such as promotional brochures, promotional flyers, and of course, rack cards, Adobe Illustrator should be your go-to editing software technology. Why? Adobe Illustrator was made in the first place to create sophisticated graphic designs and enhance images, which essentially are what you'll be doing in creating your modern rack cards. Moreover, Adobe Illustrator is wired to formulate finished files in minimal file sizes. Thus, helping you to save in your computer storage.
2. Choose From Our Rack Card Templates
Crafting and designing rack cards from scratch can be quite time-consuming and challenging, especially if you're not a professional graphic designer. But if you think that you can create these types of professional cards, you can do so from scratch. However, we encourage you to make use of our Rack Card Templates. These templates already have quality pre-made content and design layout. All you have to do is pick those that meet your specific creative ideas and promotional needs.
3. Discuss Your Offers In A Promotional Tone
Once you've chosen a Rack Card Template from us, you must then inject your specifications. Rack cards that are used by political campaigns contain general information about a political candidate's complete background, along with their achievement certificates, appreciation certificates, award certificates, and anything that supports their chances in winning an election. In your case, you'll basically be doing the same thing by improving your product or service's chances in gaining client/customer traffic. What you must do is talk about what makes your product or service unique from its competition, what benefits does it offer, the pricing, and anything that improves its marketability. Make sure to do so in an inviting and promotional tone.
4. Add Preview Images
Whatever product or service your business has, be it clothing lines, food and drink products, hotel accommodations, real estate properties, catering services, laundry services, online tutor services, and many more, your rack cards must have preview images of them. Some of our Rack Card Templates already have such images. But, if you want to inject your own, you can. For example, if your business is a hotel, the images you must add are those showcasing its facilities. That includes the rooms, restaurants, lobby, and swimming pool. Another example, if you wish to promote your restaurant's special menu, the images of your rack cards must showcase mouthwatering shots of your dishes. You can hire the expertise of a freelance photographer or a photography studio for this matter.
5. Emphasize Your Business Logo
After completing every component of your rack cards, you must not forget to emphasize your business's official logo. It will certify that your rack card is an official material from your business. Plus, it also plays a significant role in establishing its branding. The best place to emphasize your business logo is at the upper part of your rack cards. After doing so, you can then print your rack cards using your personal printer or with the help of a printing services business.