Receipts are commonly used everywhere wherever a financial transaction takes place. It is an essential document that states that something of value has been transferred from one party to another. It is also issued in B2B dealings. So if you are looking to create your own official receipt for your business, restaurant, store, or any establishment, you can instantly download and use any of our sample receipt templates in Illustrator.
By using our ready-made sample receipt templates, you will be able to create a receipt in no time without having to start from scratch. Simply download any of our professional templates in Illustrator format and start customizing the contents of the premade receipt. You can add various details about your business such as your business name, your logo, your contact information, your address, payment mode such as cash, card, etc, and any other important details if required. The best part about using our templates is that they come with suggestive content and are professionally designed by our team of experts to help you get your work done faster and smarter.
Our templates are available in A4 & US. Some of our sample templates include the Shipping Receipt Template, Business Advisor Receipt Template, Music Festival Receipt Template, Charity Receipt Template, and much more! We also have our own editor tool that will allow you to instantly create a receipt upon just entering the receipt details. Sounds great right? So what are you waiting for? Try any of our receipt templates now!