Seneca once said, "As is a tale, so is life: Not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters." Life may be over in an instant, so let's be mindful of our actions and leave a good legacy behind. Funerals bring sadness, but a good funeral service can make a funeral beautiful too. Especially for Catholics, since their funeral ceremony may differ from the rest because they have their own rituals, order of services (the reception, a funeral church mass, the commital), symbols, and other traditional catholic ways. So, your funeral service must secure the perfect template.
With that, has prepared Catholic Funeral Templates in Apple Pages that can be of good service to your funeral services. We have various catholic templates like booklet or brochures, obituaries, many other options for you. These templates are made by experts that ensure to bring high-quality content and graphic design. In, you are free to be creative. So, you can edit our templates to your liking, and you have the freedom to add your own catholic funeral prayers, messages, making your funeral program meaningful because that's what we are aiming for. wants you to be the best. So, has prepared other funeral templates that you can use for your services. For example, we provide you with funeral brochures, funeral cards, and funeral invitations. These templates are readily available and printable in Apple Pages. See, everything you need for your funeral service program is just a search away here on So don't waste this opportunity. Subscribe and check our templates now!