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Table of Contents

  1. Pitch Deck Definition & Meaning
  2. What Is a Pitch Deck?
  3. 10 Types of Pitch Decks
  4. Pitch Deck Uses, Purpose, Importance
  5. What’s in a Pitch Deck? Parts?
  6. How to Design a Pitch Deck
  7. Pitch Deck vs. Business Plan
  8. What’s the Difference between a Pitch Deck, Proposal, & Contract?
  9. Pitch Deck Sizes
  10. Pitch Deck Ideas & Examples
  11. FAQs

Pitch Deck

Pitch decks are the first market teasers stockholders expect out of entrepreneurs to answer the question, “Is the startup compelling enough to invest in or not?” Showcased with riveting graphic designs and thought-provoking messages, an excellent pitch deck is critical to professional business communication.

Pitch Deck Definition & Meaning

Pitch decks are well-thought-out presentations that tease or summarize a startup product, service, project, or business traction.

A pitch deck or presentation deck is what entrepreneurs use for pitching ideas to investors, clients, stakeholders, creators, or general audiences.

What Is a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is an entrepreneur’s lifeline to convince investors in funding an idea, plan, or project; that means making the best first impression to expect successful fundraising. Often shown in slide presentations, pitch decks cover a number of factors such as the team members, strategic plans, sales forecasts, proposed solutions, markets, etc. No matter what platform is used, being able to tell a compelling story to the audience makes an effective pitch.

10 Types of Pitch Decks

Business Pitch Deck

Business talks couldn’t be more enthralling by using a sales pitch in the form of a business pitch deck. Business pitch decks aim to persuade investors, stockholders, and audiences to engage in your business. Build a creative business pitch deck that highlights your enterprise’s executive summary, competition, market, and others.

business pitch deck

Startup Pitch Deck

Pitch decks are made for startups, meaning ideas are still set in motion unless they are funded by investors. A startup pitch deck can be used by entrepreneurs to build startup companies and it should house the main components from the problem to the fundraising. Well-made startup pitch decks should convince why your ideas should be supported and why they matter to investors.

startup pitch deck

Restaurant Pitch Deck

Before a restaurant opens or considers an advertising or marketing campaign to invite consumers, it all begins with a presentation deck. Through a restaurant pitch deck, you explain your vision of the who, when, what, where, why, and how of your restaurant business. With a thorough plan, engaging message, and detailed summary, you can get an investor in no time.

restaurant pitch deck

Creative Pitch Deck

Don’t put out a generic presentation and challenge yourself to achieve a creative pitch deck. Competition is tough in the market so you can assume that a lot of other entrepreneurs could be after the investors you want to impress with. You can accomplish this best with a pitch deck sporting a modern business model, visuals, and content.

creative pitch deck

Modern Pitch Deck

One way to refrain from using outdated presentation decks is to keep up with trends and add a unique flavor to your modern pitch deck. Incorporating contemporary motifs into your pitch deck leaves an impression of how innovative your brand is. Any startup can leverage a modern structure to a pitch deck for a promising result that pays off.

modern pitch deck

Advertising Pitch Deck

Pitch decks basically have a similar format to advertising presentations in terms of introducing your staff, plans, nature of products and services, sponsorship deals, etc. That means you have the investors and audiences to impress with your advertising pitch deck to make your ad efficient. Know your client first and set an advertising or brand strategy to pull this off.

advertising pitch deck

Fashion Pitch Deck

From fashion designer icons and lush couture to ready-to-wear styles, build your fashion brand by strutting a decent fashion pitch deck. A fashion pitch deck is where you pitch about your new designer items or any garment piece that would sell in the market with the help of investors. Designers often do the presentation here to plug their fashion line.

fashion pitch deck

Product Pitch Deck

From the social media pitch, elevator pitch, cold call pitch, and more, there is one type of pitch that highlights more on the product itself rather than pitching solely for sales. This is called the product pitch deck where you express a deep dive into the specifics of your product. Specifications include the product background, functionality, brand, and even color.

product pitch deck

Medical Pitch Deck

Medical expenses are known to be expensive, meaning the stakes are higher when it comes to creating a medical pitch deck. Nonetheless, manifest how reputable your medical business is with a professional roadmap, medical plan outline, database background, and other necessary parts. Healthcare businesses generally utilize this type of pitch deck.

medical pitch deck

Investor Pitch Deck

If you opt for a pitch deck that drives to appease investors, make an investor pitch deck instead. This example is where you focus on demonstrating how your investors could benefit from your product or service. Be sure to state your company guide, market timeline, high-tech plan, vision board, and other intriguing aspects that will help you book your investor.

investor pitch deck

Pitch Deck Uses, Purpose, Importance

A pitch deck got its name from “to pitch” meaning to deliver a business presentation. And there are far more concepts you could learn from pitch decks such as why they are essential, useful, and relevant to industries.

A Money-Maker Objective

A pitch deck either makes or breaks a deal between investors and entrepreneurs since it is the very core that may convince investors to back the funds needed by entrepreneurs. Pitch decks are made to prove how valuable or feasible startups are. The expected revenue and overall financials behind a pitch deck itself should prove just how important a presentation deck is in the corporate world.

The Reality of Sealing the Deal

One significant aspect of a pitch deck that is often overlooked by some entrepreneurs is that pitching isn’t entirely about securing money in one run. The reality of it is that you use pitch decks to convince investors that they could meet with you again and proceed to future negotiations. In other words, expect more business meetings before the deal is actually completed.

Riveting Visual Slides or Presentations

What makes pitch deck presentations stand out from a standard business plan is how you present with creative graphics in the process. Part of how you can compel investors to work with you is to display slides, images, icons, stickers, audio, videos, and other media. Whether you use visuals to affect investors, show statistics from research labs, or analyze how to correct a competitor’s failure, it all depends on your strategy regarding how to make your pitch deck work.

Plentiful Choices for Pitch Deck Presentations

You won’t run out of options easily regarding where to make pitch decks because Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, Apple Keynote, Visme, Google Slides, and other slide presentation programs exist. In fact, you won’t have to make presentation decks from scratch using pitch deck templates to personalize. Just be sure to draft everything out from the opening to the exit strategy of your pitch deck first.

Effective Business Communication Channel

Pitch decks allow you to communicate with entrepreneurs either through email, desktop videos, slide presentations, or even in person with print visual aids. Eclectic options are available on how you deliver your presentation. If you first communicate with investors through a pitch deck, it only makes sense you want them to remember you in good light rather than waste your idea’s potential.

What’s in a Pitch Deck? Parts?


In a film, a conflict is essential to the plot while a problem is essential to the pitch deck. The problem invites tension to investors and it is a story worth telling in your presentation.


The solution marks how your idea resolves the problem at hand. This element brings a sense of ambition to the pitch deck such as how the collaboration between entrepreneurs and investors can reach that solution.

Product or Service Features

To ensure the solutions happen in actuality, discuss the features of your products or services next. These are the main selling points of your pitch deck.


Think about your target market and how they would benefit from your ideas. Your pitch deck must at least help the investors, clients, or audiences in some way or they wouldn’t care at all.

Competition and Risks

Potential risks and business competitors are what make businesses challenging and worth fighting for. In the pitch deck, don’t forget to share the underlying opportunities, threats, and the rest of the SMART goals to balance the information.

Revenue and Business Model

Explain how you can assure investors about your plan’s operating model and revenues next. This part is still a critical element to a pitch deck because the wrong business model and a nonprofitable output would hardly be accepted by investors.


An entrepreneur’s success rate according to previous projects would be ultimately judged by investors so you can’t forget about traction. Support your credibility by boasting about your successful records, accomplishments, and other similar truthful details to make investors trust you.


Pitch decks must be visionary, meaning you don’t only think about the benefits in one period but also where your pitched idea would be after many years from now. Set an educated financial projection and other projections in the presentation.


Beyond the resumes, who are you, your partners, and your whole team? Investors also want to know who is involved in your organization to make them feel welcome and be part of the team.


Properly discuss how investors play their part in making the pitched idea come true. Think about how their funds would actually make a difference in your entire work.

How to Design a Pitch Deck

1. Select your presentation type from the standard Pitch Deck Sizes

2. Denote your pitch deck’s main purpose

3. Customize a premade Pitch Deck Template

4. Insert the 10 basic parts of a pitch deck

5. Save your work and present it with pride to investors

Pitch Deck vs. Business Plan

A pitch deck presents ideas through visually driven data as opposed to straight-up wordy details.

A business plan is a formal document that outlines the specifics of a plan in detailed words.

What’s the Difference between a Pitch Deck, Proposal, & Contract?

A pitch deck introduces a startup plan, service, or product to investors through graphic and compelling presentations.

A proposal is a formally written document that talks about a scheme that higher-ups or those of authority should at least consider or reject the suggestion.

A contract is a legally binding agreement with outlined obligations and rules to follow between parties.

Pitch Deck Sizes

Pitch decks are presentations so measuring them in inches, centimeters, and similar units is impossible unless you print the slides; however, they are measured according to the number of slides and time of presentation. The top three standard pitch deck sizes would be the 10/20/30 pitch deck, 5-minute pitch deck, and 3-minute pitch deck.


Number of Slides


10/20/30 Pitch Deck At least 10 slides (12–14 average) No more than 20 minutes
5-Minute Pitch Deck No more than 10 slides 30 seconds each (if 10 slides)
3-Minute Pitch Deck No more than 5 slides 36 seconds each (if 5 slides)

Pitch Deck Ideas & Examples

You can pitch any product, service, plan, project, or thought and have investors back you up if your intentions are good and if they care about your viable ideas. There are a plethora of pitch deck ideas you can get inspiration from no matter what industry you belong to.


What should a pitch deck include?

A pitch deck includes the problem, solution, features, market, competition/risks, revenue/business model, traction, projection, team, and fundraising.

How should a pitch deck be structured?

It works best to limit it to 10 slides only and each slide discusses every topic.

What are the 3 rules about a pitch deck?

The pitch deck must tackle a compelling story, it must be viable for the investor to fund it, and it must be presented in less than five minutes.

Are pitch decks text-based?

Pitch decks are more visual-based but you may also go for text-based pitch decks for pitches requiring a heavy amount of info.

What is KPI in a pitch deck?

KPIs refer to key performance indicators and you need them in evaluating your entire pitch deck before presenting.

What do investors want to see in a pitch deck?

Each investor has different interests but generally, they would want to see who your company is, what you are trying to achieve, and answers to the rest of the pitch deck’s parts.

Can a pitch deck include a video?

Yes, images, videos, and other media are welcome to pitch decks.

What type of presentation is a pitch deck?

It is a visual slide presentation.

What are the key metrics in a pitch deck?

The key performance indicators in a pitch deck are mostly focused on the target market, value, and financial projections.

What do you write in vision on a pitch deck?

It contains your vision statement and supporting details of your business plan, funding needs, projections, etc.

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