Are you having a hard time cutting off your shopping expenses? Or maybe you are traveling with no budget at all? These instances could either lead you to satisfaction or trouble. In making sure that you won’t go over your monthly budget, now is the time to be responsible with your credit limits. It is indeed easier said than done. But taking chances of being responsible with your expenses will eventually do you good. That is why in making sure that you consistently follow your budget, we offer Ready-Made and High-Quality Budget Planner Templates in Apple Pages. You can customize and print these templates in A4 or US Letter sizes. Now is the perfect opportunity to fix your money problems. Grab a template today!
How to Create a Budget Planner in Apple Pages
You have probably been enjoying shopping and traveling in the past few months. But part of that is checking your bank account savings only to find out you are beyond your monthly budget. That is a regretful situation, and you will typically react the same. Tolerating this habit could force different problems to rise. But how can you avoid this? Financial experts would advise you to budget your money. But though there are still a lot of people who decline to do the process, there are different reasons why you need a budget, and not just for money's sake.
Whether you are a college student, entrepreneur, or trying to raise a family, your weekly or monthly budget should matter. If you don’t budget your money today, there is a higher chance of you getting tangled in the same unfortunate financial situation over again. Perhaps, you do not want this to happen. So, we provide the following steps below on how you can create a useful budget planner using Apple Pages.
1. Calculate Your Expenses
Start by calculating all your expenses within the week or month. To do this, you need to gather all the receipts that you’ve accumulated. Other than that, you should also collect your financial statements, if you have. Then, examine your expenses. It’s essential to start jotting down notes before you proceed to get handy with your planner. In this way, you will avoid clutter.
2. Choose the Right Planner
After you have everything written in draft, make sure you choose the right planner. There are two ways you can do this in Mac: create from a blank document or download a ready-made template. If you pick the latter, then you can save enough time. You can download a planner for your budget plan from our website. To do this, launch your Apple Pages. From the My Templates section, you can see your downloaded template. Click it, then save and be ready to use it.
3. Record the Spending and Savings
Once your planner template is ready, record your spending with your current savings. You must indicate your monthly or yearly income. In this way, you will keep a balance between your expenses and how much money you still have. Don’t forget to include food, shelter, transportation, and services. Separate the section for expenses, budget goal, debt payoff record, and bill payment schedules.
4. Set a Goal
The budget plan allows you to have a go-through of your expenses and current savings. It’s an essential process for you to determine what’s left for you. You can check if there is still enough for your shopping, travel, and other goals. In setting your goals, make sure you leave a space for it. You can write as many as you want, but keep it realistic. Don’t forget to supply the action steps in achieving your goals.
5. Review and Update
In creating a budget plan, the final step includes rechecking and revising. You need to ensure to go through each page. Check if you calculated your expenses and savings correctly. Whenever you’re done, complete the process by saving your work.