A durable power of attorney is a type of legal paperwork where the grantor or principal gives authority to their attorney-in-fact to do or perform certain tasks on their behalf. This document is commonly issued and notarized by a notary public that has the capacity to make the conditions legal and binding, but can also be revoked when needed. The representative will then utilize the said document to act on the responsibilities given to him by the principal, but whose acts are also limited only to the stipulated conditions written on the paper. If you need to write this legal document for whatever purpose but don't have an idea how to, consider your worries erased.
Consider yourself the lucky one by coming to our site, because we definitely have the very thing you're looking for. Our collection of Durable Power of Attorney in Google Docs is a comprehensively written legal document formatted to look like any legal firm would have written it. When you download our template, you will find that even as a new user, you won't have any hard time going through the features during editing. Modify what you need to change in the contents with your details, tweak the stipulations according to the purpose you want your representative to do, and then print! With any version of Google Docs and a handy digital device, you can alter the details whenever you need it, in just a few minutes!
So, what are you waiting for? Be fast, and avail yourself of our template today! Don't forget to check out our other relevant legal documents such as medical power of attorney, child power of attorney, lease power of attorney, and many more!