Happy Friendship Day Card Template

Happy Friendship Day Card Template in PSD, Illustrator, Pages, Word, Publisher, Google Docs - Download | Template.net
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BFF Friendship Day Card Template

BFF Friendship Day Card Template in PSD, Illustrator, Pages, Word, Publisher, Google Docs - Download | Template.net
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Black and White Friendship Day Card Template

Black and White Friendship Day Card Template in Illustrator, PSD, Pages, Word, Google Docs, Publisher - Download | Template.net
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Simone Weil - To want friendship is a great fault. Friendship ought to be a gratuitous joy, like the joys afforded by art or life.

Simone Weil - To want friendship is a great fault. Friendship ought to be a gratuitous joy, like the joys afforded by art or life. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Lucan - Nobody ever chooses the already unfortunate as objects of his loyal friendship.

Lucan - Nobody ever chooses the already unfortunate as objects of his loyal friendship. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Harry Emerson Fosdick - The steady discipline of intimate friendship with Jesus results in men becoming like Him.

Harry Emerson Fosdick - The steady discipline of intimate friendship with Jesus results in men becoming like Him. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Martin McGuinness - Whenever people reach out the hand of friendship towards me, I am not going to refuse that hand.

Martin McGuinness - Whenever people reach out the hand of friendship towards me, I am not going to refuse that hand. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Malcolm Arnold - Music is the social act of communication among people, a gesture of friendship, the strongest there is.

Malcolm Arnold - Music is the social act of communication among people, a gesture of friendship, the strongest there is. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Marie de France - If one of two lovers is loyal, and the other jealous and false, how may their friendship last, for Love is slain!

Marie de France - If one of two lovers is loyal, and the other jealous and false, how may their friendship last, for Love is slain! in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Clifton Fadiman - One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention.

Clifton Fadiman - One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Rodrigo Duterte - Let me be very clear: my friendship with my friends ends where the interest of the country begins.

Rodrigo Duterte - Let me be very clear: my friendship with my friends ends where the interest of the country begins. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Christian Dior - All I required to be happy was friendship and people I could admire.

Christian Dior - All I required to be happy was friendship and people I could admire. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Sydney Smit - Madam, I have been looking for a person who disliked gravy all my life; let us swear eternal friendship.

Sydney Smit - Madam, I have been looking for a person who disliked gravy all my life; let us swear eternal friendship. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Vlade Divac - To build a friendship takes so much time and so many years. To ruin it, just seconds.

Vlade Divac - To build a friendship takes so much time and so many years. To ruin it, just seconds. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Eustace Budgell - Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.

Eustace Budgell - Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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George Herbert - Read as you taste fruit or savor wine, or enjoy friendship, love or life.

George Herbert - Read as you taste fruit or savor wine, or enjoy friendship, love or life. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Charles Peguy - Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love.

Charles Peguy - Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Oscar Wilde - Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.

Oscar Wilde - Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Montesquieu - Friendship is an arrangement by which we undertake to exchange small favors for big ones.

Montesquieu - Friendship is an arrangement by which we undertake to exchange small favors for big ones. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Sudeep - If you aren't respected by someone, how can the friendship with them be valued?

Sudeep - If you aren't respected by someone, how can the friendship with them be valued? in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Joe Biden - You've got to reach a hand of friendship across the aisle and across philosophies in this country.

Joe Biden - You've got to reach a hand of friendship across the aisle and across philosophies in this country. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Thomas Jefferson - Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.

Thomas Jefferson - Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Friedrich Nietzsche - It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

Friedrich Nietzsche - It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Anton Chekhov - Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.

Anton Chekhov - Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Jean de La Fontaine - Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.

Jean de La Fontaine - Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Chelsea Handler - The love that comes from friendship is the underlying facet of a happy life.

Chelsea Handler - The love that comes from friendship is the underlying facet of a happy life. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Oliver Goldsmith - Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves.

Oliver Goldsmith - Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Saint Francis de Sales - A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship.

Saint Francis de Sales - A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Thomas Jefferson - I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.

Thomas Jefferson - I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Francis Quarles - That friendship will not continue to the end which is begun for an end.

Francis Quarles - That friendship will not continue to the end which is begun for an end. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Aristotle - My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.

Aristotle - My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Thomas Aquinas - Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.

Thomas Aquinas - Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Charles Caleb Colton - True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

Charles Caleb Colton - True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Euripides - Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.

Euripides - Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Samuel Pepys - Mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends.

Samuel Pepys - Mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Remember that a gesture of friendship, no matter how small, is always appreciated.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Remember that a gesture of friendship, no matter how small, is always appreciated. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Aristotle- Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

Aristotle- Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Oscar Wilde - Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.

Oscar Wilde - Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Henry David Thoreau - A man cannot be said to succeed in this life who does not satisfy one friend.

Henry David Thoreau - A man cannot be said to succeed in this life who does not satisfy one friend. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Amos Bronson Alcott - Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly.

Amos Bronson Alcott - Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Robert Staughton Lynd - Friendship will not stand the strain of very much good advice for very long.

Robert Staughton Lynd - Friendship will not stand the strain of very much good advice for very long. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Rabindranath Tagore - Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance.

Rabindranath Tagore - Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. - Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. - Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Edinson Cavani - Football is about sacrifice, dedication, a lot of work, and friendship off the pitch.

Edinson Cavani - Football is about sacrifice, dedication, a lot of work, and friendship off the pitch. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Jane Austen - Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.

Jane Austen - Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Whitney Wolfe Herd - Love, friendship, networking - these are all critical connections and the foundation of a healthy, happy life.

Whitney Wolfe Herd - Love, friendship, networking - these are all critical connections and the foundation of a healthy, happy life. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Jason Reynolds - The truths are universal: Every kid knows fear. Every kid knows family and friendship. Loss, love, laughter. Everything else is just detail.

Jason Reynolds - The truths are universal: Every kid knows fear. Every kid knows family and friendship. Loss, love, laughter. Everything else is just detail. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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George Santayana - Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of another; people are friends in spots.

George Santayana - Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of another; people are friends in spots. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Edward Young - Friendship's the wine of life: but friendship new... is neither strong nor pure.

Edward Young - Friendship's the wine of life: but friendship new... is neither strong nor pure. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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Anne Lamott - Your experiences will be yours alone. But truth and best friendship will rarely if ever disappoint you.

Anne Lamott - Your experiences will be yours alone. But truth and best friendship will rarely if ever disappoint you. in JPG - Download | Template.net
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