Do you want to have a winning resume that significantly increases your chances of getting the job you want? If so, then we highly recommend you to download any of our wide selection of ready-made Elegant Resume Templates in Apple Pages. This sub-category of our Resume Templates effectively highlights your skills, experience, accomplishments, and educational background, which are the essential components of a resume. Plus each of these templates has an elegant modern design that most employers will undoubtedly find impressive. With their help, all you have to do is input your personal specifications. Plus, you may also adjust their pre-made design since they're 100% customizable and easily-editable in Apple Pages. Be confident of a job you're applying for by downloading our high-quality Elegant Resume Templates in Apple Pages!
How To Create An Elegant Resume In Apple Pages?
Aside from looking for a formal outfit, learning how to succeed at job interviews, and reviewing your relevant academic courses, creating your personal resume is the job application preparation that you must not overlook. Without it, you essentially can't apply for a job. Moreover, resumes are a major contributing factor to whether an employer decides to hire you or not. With that fact, you must do your best to meet their standards. And for that reason, we want to help you by sharing with you our quick guide on how to create an elegant resume.
1. Download An Elegant Resume Template From Us
We anticipate that you want to create your professional resume as quickly as possible without sacrificing its quality. So to help you achieve that, we encourage you to download an Elegant Resume Template from us. Whether you're an education graduate, an engineering expert, an aspiring sales manager, a graphic artist, a fashion designer, and any other field of expertise, our templates will certainly meet your needs. Each of these one-page templates has a unique and clean creative design that improves the aesthetic quality of your finished resume. So choose one that best suits your preference.
2. Customize Your Chosen Template In Apple Pages
Apple Pages is a reliable word processor that's free to download and install for Mac users. So if you're a Mac user yourself, you should firmly opt for Apple Pages. Another good reason why you should choose it is due to its user-friendly features and tools that will help you to customize your selected templates according to your liking.
3. Inject Your Personal Data And Sell Yourself
Once you've opened your downloaded template in Apple Pages, you can then start injecting your personal data which is your full name, formal photo, contact number, residential address, email address, and desired job position. Basically, you're just copying the information of your valid ID. It's an easy process yet the most essential since it introduces you as the applicant, and it's the part of your resume that the employers will view first. The next thing you must do is to sell yourself. Primarily, you'll be doing it by inputting your educational background, previous work experience, and relevant training/seminars attended. You can enumerate your special skills, hobbies, talents, and the award certificates you've received.
4. Include Your Character References
An employer who'll receive your resume knows nothing about you. Yes, your resume introduces you to the employer. But most of them want to know who you really are as an employee or a professional. Your resume won't be able to explain it to them efficiently. That's why you must include the contact details of your character references. Most employers contact them so that they'll have an idea about your work ethic, attitude, and principles. This is very important if your resume is a fresh graduate resume, or if this is your first job application. Your character references could be your professors, dean, supervisors during your internship, and other high-ranking professionals that know you personally. If possible, ask them to write a formal reference letter stating your excellent attributes.
5. Pair Your Elegant Resume With A Job Application Letter
After you've finished everything that needs to be inputted on your elegant resume, you must pair it with a job application letter. It'll serve as a cover letter for your resume, and it must primarily state what makes you eligible for the job position. Once you're finished writing it, print it together with your elegant resume, and encase both of them inside an envelope.