11+ Staff Directory Templates in PDF | DOC
The staff directory is the book that contains the name, address, and telephone number of the staff members. It is the list of the name of the staff members working for years. Nowadays, the names and the address of the workers of some organizations are feed online. Therefore, you can add the names of staff of your organization using an online portal. You must add the staff’s name and address on the official website of your organization. For a wider selection of staff training and development plan templates, check out more options here.

11+ Staff Directory Templates in PDF | DOC
1. Middle School Staff Directory

2. Staff Directory of Officers

3. Faculty and Staff Directory in PDF

4. Directory of BRIT Staff

5. Electrical and Computer Engineering Directory Staff

6. Technology Staff Directory in PDF

7. Faculty and Staff Directory

8. Sample Faculty and Staff Directory

9. Staff Directory of Officers Example

10. Faculty and Staff Directory Profile Form

11. Staff Directory in DOC

How can You Create a Staff Directory?
Step 1: Add the Name of Staff
You must add the name of the staff member in the organization. The names are in alphabetical order. Then it becomes easy for people to search for a particular person. In the first part of the directory, you must always start with the name. Find more staffing agency templates by visiting this link.
Step 2: Add the Designation
Then you must add the designation of the staff member. When you add the name of the staff, you must also mention the position of that person.
Step 3: Add the Residential Address
You must add the residential address of the staff. The address of the member is necessary to put on. It is the second most important thing after the name and designation.
Step 4; Add the Contact Number
Then you must add the contact number of the staff in the directory. When you want to find the address of the person, then you can see the staff directory.
Step 5: Add the Email Address
Then you must add the email address to the staff directory. The email id is the kind of contact information through which one can contact you.
What is the benefit of having the staff directory?
In the staff directory book, there is information about the staff member in alphabetical order. The information given in the book has to be correct and valid. If anyone needs a piece of information about the staff member then, you can go through the directory. Sometimes, It is necessary to have the information for use by anyone searching for it. If the information is available on the official website, it becomes easy to access. Explore a variety of staff ID card templates here.
The organization must give access to information about staff members. There are folders on the website, where detailed information about the staff working for the organization given on it. Every organization must-have the staff directory for inserting information of the employee. The storage of the information in the staff directory is essential. When you search for a person’s name and department, then you get the detail info of it.
How can You make Use of the Staff Directory?
When the organization uses the staff directory, it becomes easy to sort the name of the members. The website where you kept the information about the staff members is in a detailed form. When you want to search for any person, then you go to the website and type in the search bar. It is an important thing to have a staff directory in the organization. When you have a long list of staff members, then you have to use the staff directory book. Check out more staff calendar templates available here.
The staff directory book has complete information on the staff, arranged in the alphabetical order. The staff members have their biodata mentioned in the directory book itself. The people should use it as the record book to enter their information. When you have these directories in the organization, it is easy to record the details for years. You can keep the data intact and secure in the directory book. You can take a look at these staff meeting agenda templates provided here. As the staff member of the organization changes from time to time, so it is better to include it in the directory.
What is the main aim of having the Staff Directory in Organization?
It is very time-saving to use the staff directory. You only have to go to the page and then search for the person’s name on it. The complete detail comes to you at one click. The use of the directory is necessary to take out the contact of the ex-staff members if needed. The people go for the easy way to do work and, this is a simple way out. Explore additional staff directory templates on our website, template.net, to find a variety of options that suit your needs.