Offer your customers and clients the best discounts with business vouchers! We have 100% customizable and easily editable Business Voucher Templates in Microsoft Word (.doc). If you don't have enough time to make vouchers, then try our voucher templates because they will save you time. All you will need to do is to customize them. These templates are also beautifully designed by professionals. We offer you high-quality and topnotch templates! Available in 8.5x4 inches + Bleed. These templates have original suggestive headings to help you. These include high-quality images, original artworks, and fonts! What are you waiting for? Download one of these templates now!
How to Make Business Vouchers in Word?
Business vouchers will add benefits to your company. A survey states that 91% of customers say that they would go back to a store that offered them coupons. So, you have made the right choice of deciding to give away business vouchers. If you don't have any idea yet on how to make your corporate vouchers, here are some steps to guide you:
1. Decide on the Offer
You need to first think about the discount or offer that your business or promotion voucher will have. Make a kind of offer that your customers will love. Will your fashion business offer a 60% discount on specific clothes in your store? Will you provide a discount on the sale book cover? How much discount will you give your travel voucher? Do you want to offer a discount to parents for child care vouchers? Customers will not want to waste their money on offers that are useless to them. To add, you have to consider if the offer will benefit you or not. Your priority is to make an offer that will benefit your business. Sometimes, when you offer a discount on your vouchers, instead of gaining more profit, there are times when you lose more. By this, you will have to be very careful.
2. Interest Your Customers
You need to make sure that you will stir the interest of your customers. Try innovations to make your discount vouchers look excellent and appealing. Aside from exciting offers and discounts, you have to make your voucher design appealing as well. Make your design leave a mark that will reflect your business. Consider your creative voucher designs as one of the ways of branding your business. Never offer cheap-looking vouchers to your customers.
3. Business Voucher Contents
A business voucher is not a piece of paper with a lot of words in it. A voucher should have minimal use of words unless you have to explain a lot in it. The voucher should have the "offer" or "discount" as the most highlighted content in it. It should be bold so that it will be the first thing that the customers will see. Next, you have to include the date until when it is valid. It is always crucial to never forget about it because a customer will only use it once. To add, you have to include the terms and conditions that your voucher has. In this way, there will be no confusion on your part or the customers because you already explained them through it.
4. Download a Voucher Template
If you don't have time to make simple vouchers, then, download a template. Our templates will surely help you. These templates are editable in Microsoft Word. MS Word is not only good for editing documents, but they can help you with customizing your business vouchers. It has features that will help you create the best business vouchers for your business. So, download a template and make your work easier.