Before buying, shoppers tend to browse through the products and services offered by retailers or establishments. Naturally, they would definitely choose the ones where they can spend less. The best way to let your items get sold is to offer them discounts using our high-quality, beautifully designed, and easy to edit Ready-Made Shopping Voucher Templates in Adobe Illustrator. These premium templates can be used for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, jewelry shopping, baby shopping, and more. Instantly download any one of these templates in Adobe Illustrator file format. All 100% customizable, printable, can be used on many editing formats such as Adobe Illustrator, and are available in 8.5x4 inches with bleed! So, what are you waiting for? Increase your potential to boost sales and profit with these Ready-Made Shopping Voucher Templates in Adobe Illustrator today!
How to Create a Shopping Voucher in Illustrator?
1. Understand How Illustrator Works
Adobe Illustrator can be a bit challenging as a format, but its vector animations allow for a more creative end product since it's more precise due to relying on mathematical values for measurement instead of pixels. What you want to do is make sure that you are working on a printable document (since you do want to print out your shopping vouchers) and be creative in your design. If it really is that hard to start from scratch, you can find templates online that are compatible with Illustrator to make it more convenient for you (try our website for this). Illustrator as a format is amazing at producing stunning cartoons and creative layouts but only if you use it to its full potential.
2. Make Your Offers Worth It
Shopping vouchers are a good marketing tool to entice customers in, but only if you properly use them. Try to put yourself in the customers' shoes while at the same time thinking about what benefits your business; they want to be able to buy as many quality products such as clothes for as little amount of money as they can while you want to make profits. Solution? Make good "offers" by having shopping vouchers of different values for different people (i.e. the longer the people shop at your establishment, the more likely the offer they get) or different events like business anniversaries, Christmas, or whenever it is most profitable. Giving high accessibility to price ranges like $10-$50 shopping vouchers to everyday customers can entice them in while reserving (if your business can afford it) $500 to even $1000 vouchers for tenured shoppers or for event grand prizes and special gifts can make a customer's shopping experience more engaging for them which is super good for business — small tip, make the higher valued vouchers hard to get so you don't lose out on profits.
3. Work on the Voucher Code
A voucher code is what validates your shopping vouchers and the worst thing that you could do as a business is not give enough attention to this. Your need two codes; one on the actual voucher and one in your database and they must mirror each other. It's up to you on how you generate these codes but keep track of everyone you generate to avoid being scammed by your own marketing campaign.
4. Don't Forget Important Details
This can range from customer information that they fill out like their name, address contact number, and emails, to shopping voucher codes, managers' signatures, and even details on the voucher's terms, conditions, and expiration date. Details about why the shopping voucher was given such as a customer's birthday, or a Christmas event, or simply a loyalty reward.
5. Polish and Print
Take a few minutes to inspect your work before you actually print it in mass. Remember that once the printing is done, all mistakes a permanent so do make the effort to ensure your shopping voucher is perfect. Once you're done printing, you can begin giving your shopping vouchers on special events, to special customers, or maybe even as a reward to your employees.