

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Date Prepared: [Date]

A. Books

APA Style

Author(s). (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.

MLA Style

Author(s). Title of the book. Publisher, Year.

B. Journal Articles

APA Style

Author(s). (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), Pages. DOI/Publisher Link (if available).

MLA Style

Author(s). "Title of the article." Title of the Journal, vol. XX, no. XX, Year, pp. XX–XX.

C. Websites

APA Style

Author(s)/Organization. (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage. Website Name. URL

MLA Style

Author(s)/Organization. "Title of the webpage." Website Name, Publication Date, URL.

D. Videos (e.g., YouTube)

APA Style

Author(s)/Uploader. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video [Video]. Platform. URL

MLA Style

Author(s)/Uploader. "Title of the video." Platform, uploaded by Uploader, Date, URL.

E. Other Sources

Personal Communication (APA only)

Name. (Year, Month Day). Description of communication [Type of communication].

MLA Style for Interviews

Name of the person interviewed. Interview. Conducted by Interviewer Name, Date.