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Career Plan


Career Plan for Jacob Stone

Career Goal: Game Developer
Career Plan Objective: Enhance my skills and knowledge in game development
Career Options:

  • Game Designer
  • Game Programmer
  • Game Artist
  • Game Audio Engineer
  • Game Producer

Short-term Goals:

Goals Timeline Milestones
Learn the basics of game development 3 months Complete an online course in game development
Learn a programming language 6 months Learn Python and create a simple game

Mid-term Goals:

Goals Timeline Milestones
Gain experience in game development 1 year Complete a game development internship
Learn advanced game development concepts 1 year Complete an online course in advanced game development

Long-term Goals:

Goals Timeline Milestones
Gain professional experience in game development 2 years Get a job as a game developer
Grow my skills and knowledge in game development 3 years Complete a game development project

Skills, Education, and Achievements:

Skills Education Achievements
Programming Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science Completed a game development internship
Game Design Certificate in Game Design Completed an online course in game development
Python Certificate in Python Programming Created a simple game using Python

Action Plan:

I will start by taking an online course in game development to learn the basics. After that, I will learn a programming language, specifically Python, and create a simple game. Then, I will look for an internship in game development to gain experience. After that, I will take an online course in advanced game development concepts. Finally, I will look for a job as a game developer and complete a game development project to grow my skills and knowledge.

To stay competitive and open up new career opportunities, I will look into getting additional certificates and advanced degrees such as a Certificate in Game Design and a Certificate in Python Programming.