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Literature Review

Literature Review on "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud: An Analysis of Freudian Psychology


In 'The Interpretation of Dreams', Freud pioneered the idea of dream analysis as a way of uncovering the hidden depths of the human psyche. Freud described dreams as the royal road to the unconscious, a pathway into understanding our deepest desires, fears, and conflicts. The purpose of this literature review is to scrutinize and analyze this cornerstone of Freudian theory in order to create a foundation for class discussion.


Our exploration of Freud’s groundbreaking work commences with a thorough review of primary and secondary sources of literature on Freudian dream theory. Freud's own writings, notably 'The Interpretation of Dreams' (1899) and 'Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis' (1917), form the bedrock of this analysis. Secondary sources, including scholarly articles, critiques, and analyses add breadth and depth to our understanding of Freudian dream interpretation.


The crux of Freud’s dream theory is his introduction of the notion of the unconscious mind. Freud bifurcates the human psyche into the conscious and the unconscious, with the latter containing elements outside of our immediate perceptions. Freud then suggests that dreams, being beyond our conscious control, provide a window into this unconscious mind.


Another significant concept introduced by Freud is the Oedipus complex, germane to the psychosexual stages of development. This forms a significant component of the review, given its profound influence on subsequent psychoanalytic theories. The analysis and critique of this aspect of Freudian theory have prompted both support and backlash from the intellectual community.


The literature review further delves into an assortment of interpretations and critiques on Freud's work, with a particular emphasis on the strong and weak points of Freudian dream theory. This includes exploring the constraints of interpretability, the controversial nature of the Oedipus complex, and the finite applicability of Freud's theories to the wider population.


This literature review, therefore, provides a comprehensive overview of Freudian dream theory and its profound impact on the field of psychology. With the application of critical thinking and analysis, we aspire to generate a fruitful class discussion on one of the most fascinating and contentious theories in psychology.