Free Loan Repayment Extension Request Letter Template



Free Loan Repayment Extension Request Letter Template

Loan Repayment Extension Request Letter

Jennifer Paynter

4198 Burnside Avenue

Logan, UT 84321

June 5, 2050

Brandi T. Wagoner

Branch Manager

Vista Banking Union

1074 Olive Street

Vanlue, OH 45890

Dear Ms. Wagoner,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to request an extension for my loan repayment due on July 15, 2050. I am currently facing unexpected financial hardships that make it difficult for me to meet the original deadline.

I assure you that this situation is temporary and I am actively working towards improving my financial stability. However, I kindly request your understanding and support during this challenging time.

I kindly request an extension of 2 weeks to repay the loan. This additional time will provide me with the necessary breathing space to overcome my current financial difficulties and ensure timely repayment.

I understand that this extension may incur additional interest or fees, and I am willing to comply with any terms or conditions set forth by the bank to facilitate this extension.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience if this request can be accommodated. I would greatly appreciate your timely response and look forward to a favorable resolution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jennifer Paynter