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Resignation Request Letter

Resignation Letter

Date: August 10, 2050

Dear Jonathan Kelley,

I hope this email finds you well. After much consideration and contemplation, I have come to the difficult decision to resign from my position at [Company Name]. This letter serves as my formal notice of resignation, in accordance with the contractual terms and company policies.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the opportunities I have been given during my time at [Company Name]. The experiences and knowledge gained here have been invaluable to my professional growth and development. I am truly grateful for the support and guidance provided by you and the entire team.

While this decision was not easy for me to make, I believe it is the right step for my personal and career goals. I have been offered an exciting opportunity elsewhere that aligns more closely with my long-term aspirations. Although I am sad to leave such a wonderful team, I am looking forward to this new chapter in my professional journey.

During my remaining notice period, which will end on September 10, 2050, I am committed to completing all of my assigned tasks and ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities. I am more than willing to assist in the recruitment and training of my replacement, if required.

I want to assure you that my decision is not a reflection of any dissatisfaction with the company or its management. Rest assured that I will do everything possible to ensure a seamless handover and maintain the professional standards that are expected of me until my last day.

Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and the entire team at [Company Name] for the support and opportunities provided to me. I will always cherish the memories and experiences gained here.

Should you require any further information or need to discuss any aspect of my resignation, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am available for a meeting or a call at your convenience.

Thank you once again for your understanding and support throughout this process. It has been an honor to be a part of this remarkable organization, and I wish you and the team continued success in the future.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]