Free Warning Letter for Dishonesty Template



Free Warning Letter for Dishonesty Template

Warning Letter for Dishonesty

Luke Prince
HR Manager

610 Fillmore St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

February 6, 2050

Harry Davis
Alexon Accounting

2845 Military Trail

West Palm Beach, FL 94901

Dear Mr. Davis,

I am writing this letter to address a matter of utmost importance regarding your recent behavior in the workplace. It has come to our attention that you have been engaging in dishonest actions, specifically lying and deceit.

At Alexon Accounting, we hold honesty and integrity as core values of our company. We expect all employees to uphold these values at all times. The trust we place in our employees is crucial to maintaining a positive and efficient work environment.

It is deeply concerning that you have chosen to engage in such behavior. Lying and deceit not only undermine the trust we have in you as an employee, but they also have the potential to harm the reputation of our company. This type of behavior will not be tolerated.

Consider this letter as an official warning for your dishonest actions. We expect immediate improvement and a commitment to rectify this situation. Failure to do so may result in further disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment.

We strongly advise you to reflect on your actions and consider the impact they have on your professional reputation, as well as the well-being of our company. Building and maintaining an environment of trust and honesty is essential for our continued success.


Luke Prince