Free Formal Warning Letter Template



Free Formal Warning Letter Template

Formal Warning Letter

Cynthia Bates
Quantum Leaps
3843 Mill Street
Greenville, SC 29601

222 555 7777

July 15, 2065

Thomas Baty

317 Cottrill Lane

Saint Louis, MO 63120

Dear Mr. Baty,

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your misconduct of verbal harassment at the workplace. We have received multiple complaints from your colleagues regarding inappropriate and derogatory language used by you.

Such behavior is in violation of our company's code of conduct. Continued acts of verbal harassment will not be tolerated and can result in severe disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment without further notice.

We expect you to immediately cease all forms of verbal harassment and treat your colleagues with respect and dignity. Furthermore, it is essential that you participate in and complete a mandatory sensitivity training workshop within 30 days of receiving this warning.

Please note: The Human Resources department will closely monitor your conduct over the coming months. Failure to rectify your behavior or any repeated incidents of harassment may result in further disciplinary actions.

If you have any questions regarding this warning or would like to discuss the matter, please contact me directly.

Best regards,

Cynthia Bates

Quantum Leaps
3843 Mill Street,
Greenville, SC 29601

222 555 7777