Free Credit Card Cancellation Letter Template



Free Credit Card Cancellation Letter Template

Credit Card Cancellation Letter

Lucas Nguyen

123 Oak Avenue,

Lakeside Heights, USA

222 555 7777


Zenith Assurance Agency

555 Maple Drive,

Riverview, USA

Dear Sophia,

I am writing this letter to formally inform you that I am canceling my insurance policy with your company.

The reason for the cancellation is due to the cancellation of my credit card, which was used for the premium payments. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a new credit card at the moment.

I kindly request you to process the cancellation of my insurance policy effective immediately. I ask that you send me a written confirmation of the cancellation, stating the effective date of termination and any further instructions, if applicable.

I appreciate the services provided by your company in the past, and I hope to consider rejoining in the future when circumstances allow.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Lucas Nguyen