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Work from Home Letter to Boss

Work from Home Letter to Boss

Harvey M. Smith

HR Manager
Writer's Brew
3293 Commerce Boulevard

Lynch, NE 68746

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this letter finds you well.

Given the current circumstances and technological advancements, I would like to propose the option of working from home permanently. As we move forward into the future, it is becoming increasingly evident that remote work offers numerous benefits for employees and the company.

By allowing me to work from home, I will be able to eliminate the commute time and utilize that extra time for increased productivity. Moreover, working in a familiar environment will enable me to focus better on my tasks and achieve optimal results. I assure you that I will maintain constant communication and adapt to any necessary changes to ensure seamless collaboration with the team.

I kindly request your consideration of this proposition. I believe it will not only enhance my job satisfaction but also contribute positively to the company's overall success. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to discussing this matter further.


William A. Besser

Senior Editor