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Employee Authorization to Travel Letter

Employee Authorization to Travel Letter

February 15, 2021

Aubrey Hopkins

Case Officer

The Embassy

101 Elm Drive, #567

Hillside, TX 75005

Dear Ms. Hopkins,

I am writing on behalf of Goldstar Software Solutions to confirm that Aubrey Hopkins, one of our esteemed employees, must travel to Venice, Italy, for work-related purposes. Travel is a requirement to fulfill their role and obligations as part of our organization.

The trip has been scheduled for 15 days, commencing on the 15th of March, 2051, and concluding on the 30th of March, 2051. During this period, Aubrey will be involved in strategic planning, execution, and follow-up sessions with our clientele. They will also lead meetings with potential partners to explore further collaboration opportunities for our company in the European market.

Please consider this letter as formal verification and validation of Aubrey Hopkins's authorization to travel for work-related purposes. I kindly request you consider this for any travel formats or approval necessities that Aubrey may need to execute responsibilities during their scheduled period in Italy.

If you require any additional documentation or information, kindly contact me directly. I would be more than willing to provide further details if necessary.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Kind regards,

Rachelle Grey

General Manager

Goldstar Software Solutions