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Client Entertainment Policy

[Lakeside Entertainment Company]




Prepared by 


Joan L. Butera


[[email protected]]



Updated on



October 2, 2028

Lakeside Entertainment Company (“Company”) is committed to maintaining integrity and responsibility in the approval and accounting of expenditures, which necessarily includes employee and client entertainment or Company functions expenses paid by the Company for business purposes. Hence, this Client Entertainment Policy (“Policy”) is created to ensure the business purpose of the entertainment, hospitality, and recognition are reasonable, and to set limitations for expenses.




The Policy’s terms and conditions apply to all Company employees, working at all levels and grades. Thus, it necessarily includes the following individuals: board of trustees, independent contractors, managers, supervisors, consultants, officers, interns, and any other individual connected with the Company (collectively known in this Policy as “employee/s”) and clients.




The authorized approver of employee and client entertainment or Company functions must be the Company’s supervisors to ensure proper internal controls for expenditures. Employees may not approve reimbursement of expenses for a person whom they directly report to.


The Company sets out this Policy to only include meals during business travel. Daily meal allowance during non-business travel is governed by State Statute 112.061 and as follows:

    • Breakfast- $6
    • Lunch- $11
    • Dinner- $19

More information about business and non-business meal limits can be found in the Travel Directives and Procedures. If a meal is taken during business travel, the Company may pay or reimburse for properly documented meals.

It means meals that consist of, at minimum, an itemized receipt and a list of attendees. Expenses associated with breakfasts, lunches, and dinners are limited to $25, $40, and $75 per person, respectively.


The Company may provide funds for food at a seminar, retreat, workshop, orientation, or other Company-sponsored activities provided the event is infrequent (no more than monthly) and non-discriminatory (open to all employees in a unit/department). Examples of Company functions include the following:

    • Events associated with department conferences or workshops;
    • Holiday or beginning of fiscal year events;
    • Employee development, training, and team-building activities; and
    • Employee recognition events hosted by the Company.

The Company may pay or reimburse expenses related to entertainment when the purpose is:

    • Fundraising;
    • Promotion of the Company; and
    • Entertainment for the Company’s clients.

Entertainment expenses include food, beverages, admission charges, flowers, and other miscellaneous and reasonable expenses, which are prudent and appropriate to the occasion.


This Policy’s limit exceptions and other requirements require documented jurisdiction and approval by the Company’s supervisors. If expenses exceed the allowed limits, the in-charge must submit the reimbursement and indicate the breakdown of expenses together with the receipts. Employees are encouraged to adhere as closely to the allowed limit as possible.