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Panel Interview Organization Guide HR


[Month Day, Year]


The purpose of this guide is to ensure a structured and effective panel interview process within [Your Company Name]. Panel interviews involve multiple interviewers assessing candidates for various positions. This guide outlines roles, responsibilities, and best practices for conducting panel interviews.

Roles And Responsibilities

  1. Panel Chairperson: The Chairperson leads the panel, introduces panel members and the candidate, and ensures the interview progresses smoothly.

  2. HR Representative: The HR Representative provides insights into company culture and ensures compliance with HR policies.

  3. Technical Expert: The Technical Expert assesses the candidate's skills and qualifications related to the job.

  4. Behavioral Assessor: The Behavioral Assessor evaluates soft skills, teamwork, and cultural fit.

Interview Agenda


5 minutes

Candidate's Self-Introduction

5 minutes

Technical Questions

20 minutes

Behavioral Questions

20 minutes

Candidate's Questions

10 minutes

Panel Discussion and Debrief

15 minutes

Selection Of Panel Members

Panel members are selected based on their expertise and relevance to the position being interviewed for. The Chairperson coordinates member selection.

Pre-Interview Preparation

  • Review Candidate's Resume

  • Review Job Description

  • Develop Interview Questions

  • Familiarize yourself with Evaluation Criteria

  • Interview Questions:

Ensure questions are job-related, clear, and non-discriminatory.

  • Scoring And Evaluation:

Use a 1-5 scale (1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent) for each question. Discuss and aggregate scores during the debrief.

  • Interview Etiquette:

  • Be respectful and professional.

  • Take turns asking questions.

  • Avoid interruptions.

  • Candidate Evaluation And Feedback

Document impressions and feedback immediately after the interview.

  • Legal And Compliance Considerations:

Ensure compliance with all labor laws and regulations, including equal employment opportunity (EEO) guidelines.

  • Confidentiality:

Keep candidate information confidential.

  • Candidate Experience:

  • Introduce panel members at the beginning.

  • Explain the interview process clearly.

  • Provide an opportunity for the candidate to ask questions.

  • Debriefing:

  • Discuss the candidate's performance.

  • Reach a collective hiring decision.

  • Communication Protocol:

The HR Representative communicates with the candidate regarding the next steps and the final hiring decision.

  • Follow-Up:

  • Notify unsuccessful candidates promptly.

  • Retain interview records as per company policy.

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