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Training Resource Allocation Slip HR

Training Resource Allocation Slip

Trainee Name

Mary Higgins

Trainee ID



IT Department

Training Program

Advanced Cybersecurity Training

Email Address

[email protected]

Training Objectives

  1. Enhance cybersecurity skills and knowledge among IT staff.

  2. Improve the organization's ability to detect and respond to cyber threats.

  3. Stay updated with the latest cybersecurity trends and technologies.

Resource Allocation

Budget Allocation

  • Total Budget: $20,000

  • Budget Breakdown:

  • Venue Rental: $5,000

  • Training Materials: $3,000

  • Trainer Fees: $8,000

  • Catering: $2,000

  • Miscellaneous Expenses: $2,000

  • Total Budget Allocated: $20,000

Personnel Allocation

  • Trainer(s): Jake Horgan, Cybersecurity Expert

  • Training Coordinator: Bryan Smith, IT Training Manager

  • Support Staff: IT Department Assistants (2)

  • Total Personnel Allocated: 4

Materials and Equipment


  • Training Materials:

  • Course handouts (50 copies)

  • Laptops with pre-installed cybersecurity tools (20 units)

  • Whiteboard and markers

  • Projector and screen

  • Audio-Visual Equipment:

  • Microphones (2)

  • Laser pointers (2)

  • Total Materials and Equipment Allocated: 74 items

Important Dates

Training Start Date

March 15, 2074

Training End Date

March 17, 2074

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