Free Overtime Approval Statement HR Template


Employee: [Employee Name]

Department: [Department]

Date of Request: [Date]

I, [Supervisor Name], hereby approve [Employee Name] request for overtime work as detailed below:

Reason for Overtime: Meeting client deadlines for the [Project Title].

Overtime Date: [Date]

Overtime Hours Requested: [Overtime]

Overtime Compensation: [Employee Name] will be compensated at his regular hourly rate for the additional [Overtime] worked.

Supervisor's Comments: I acknowledge that the overtime request is essential to meet project deadlines. [Employee Name] has my approval to work the requested overtime hours.

Supervisor's Name: [Supervisor's Name]

Supervisor's Signature: [Your Digital Signature if applicable]

Date of Approval: [Date]

HR Approval (if required)

HR Name: [HR Representative's Name]

HR Signature: [HR Representative's Digital Signature if applicable]

Date of HR Approval: [Date of HR Approval if applicable]

This overtime request is approved in accordance with company policies and regulations.

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

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