Free Whistleblower Protection Policy Questionnaire HR Template



Free Whistleblower Protection Policy Questionnaire HR Template

Whistleblower Protection Policy Questionnaire

Dear Philip Anderson,


At [Company Name], we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct, and we value your input in ensuring a transparent and safe work environment. Your feedback regarding our Whistleblower Protection Policy is essential in helping us improve our processes and continue to uphold our commitment to ethical behavior.


Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire honestly and anonymously. Your responses will be kept confidential.

 Section 1: Awareness and Understanding

1.1. Are you aware of [Company Name]'s Whistleblower Protection Policy?


  •           Yes

  •           No


 1.2. Have you read the Whistleblower Protection Policy?


  •           Yes

  •           No


1.3. Do you understand the key components of the policy, including the reporting procedures and protection against retaliation?


  •           Yes

  •           No

 Section 2: Reporting Experience


 2.1. Have you ever witnessed or suspected unethical, illegal, or unsafe behavior within  the company?


  •           Yes

  •           No


 2.2. If yes, did you report it through our whistleblower reporting channels?


  •           Yes

  •           No

  •           Not applicable

 Section 3: Reporting Procedures

 3.1. How satisfied are you with the ease of reporting concerns or violations through our whistleblower reporting channels?


  •           Very Satisfied

  •           Satisfied

  •           Neutral

  •           Dissatisfied

  •           Very Dissatisfied


 3.2. Were you provided with clear instructions on how to report concerns when you  joined the company?


  •           Yes

  •           No


3.3. How user-friendly do you find the reporting process?


  •           Very User-Friendly

  •           User-Friendly

  •           Neutral

  •           Not Very User-Friendly

  •           Not User-Friendly at All

 Section 4: Confidentiality

 4.1. Do you believe your identity and the details of your report are kept confidential
 during the reporting process?


  •           Yes

  •           No

  •           Not Applicable

 Section 5: Non-Retaliation


 5.1. Do you feel safe from retaliation after making a report?


  •           Yes

  •           No


 5.2. Have you ever experienced any form of retaliation after making a report?


  •           Yes

  •           No

  •           Not Applicable

 Section 6: Follow-Up and Resolution


 6.1. How satisfied are you with the timeliness of the response and resolution to your


  •           Very Satisfied

  •           Satisfied

  •           Neutral

  •           Dissatisfied

  •           Very Dissatisfied

 Section 7: Training


 7.1. Have you received training on the Whistleblower Protection Policy and procedures?


  •           Yes

  •           No


 7.2. If yes, how effective was the training in helping you understand the policy and


  •           Very Effective

  •           Effective

  •           Neutral

  •           Ineffective

  •           Very Ineffective

 Section 8: Additional Feedback

 8.1. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions for improving our
 Whistleblower Protection Policy and procedures:


 I appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on our Whistleblower Protection Policy. Overall, I believe our organization is doing well in promoting a culture of ethics and transparency. However, I have a few suggestions for improvement:


Anonymous Reporting: It would be beneficial to further emphasize the anonymity of the reporting process. Some employees may still have concerns about their identity being revealed, even though the policy assures confidentiality.


Communication: Regular reminders and updates about the Whistleblower Protection Policy, perhaps through email or internal newsletters, could help ensure that all employees are aware of it.

Your input is valuable to us, and we appreciate your participation in this survey. Thank you for your commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity within our organization.




[Your Name]

HR Manager

[Your Company Name]

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