Free Workplace Dress Code Questionnaire HR Template
Workplace Dress Code Questionnaire
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our Workplace Dress Code Questionnaire. Your input is valuable in helping us understand our employees' preferences and needs regarding workplace attire. The information gathered here will be used to refine and update our dress code policy, ensuring that it aligns with the expectations and comfort of our workforce. Please answer the following questions candidly and honestly.
Section 1: Personal Information
Full Name: [Your Name]
Job Title: [Your Job Title]
Email Address: [Your Email Address]
Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]
Section 2: Current Dress Code Understanding
1.) Do you feel you have a clear understanding of our current dress code policy?
2.) Have you ever received feedback or had concerns related to your attire at work? If yes, please briefly describe the situation.
I recently faced a situation where a colleague's casual attire at a client meeting created a less professional impression. It's crucial that we maintain a consistent and appropriate dress code to ensure a polished and respectful image in client interactions. |
Section 3: Dress Code Preferences
1.) How do you feel our current dress code policy impacts your daily work experience? (Check all that apply)
Enhances productivity
Enhances professionalism
Restricts comfort
Restricts individuality
Other (please specify): ___________________________________
2.) What type of dress code do you personally prefer for your workplace? (Check one)
Casual (e.g., jeans, t-shirts, sneakers)
Business casual (e.g., slacks, collared shirts/blouses, closed-toe shoes)
Business professional (e.g., suits, ties, formal attire)
Uniform (please describe your preference): ____________________
No preference
Section 4: Dress Code Suggestions
1.) Do you have any specific suggestions or ideas for improving our current dress code policy? Please provide details below.
2.) Are there any items of clothing or accessories that you believe should be explicitly mentioned in our dress code policy? (e.g., flip-flops, shorts, headwear)
Section 5: Workplace Comfort
1.) How comfortable do you feel in your current work attire on a scale of 1 (not comfortable at all) to 5 (extremely comfortable)?
2.) Are there any specific clothing items or materials that you find uncomfortable or impractical for your job? Please describe.
Section 6: Additional Comments
Is there anything else you would like to share regarding workplace dress code, attire, or related topics that you believe would be valuable for the HR team to consider?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your feedback is essential in helping us create a workplace dress code policy that meets the needs and preferences of our employees. Your responses will be treated confidentially, and your input is greatly appreciated.
Please return this questionnaire to the HR department by July 16. 2050. You can email it to or drop it off in the HR mailbox located at the HR offices. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact Emily Jones.
Thank you for being a valuable member of our team.
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