Free Monthly Performance Memo HR Template

Monthly Performance Memo






Monthly Performance Review for [Month]

Dear [Employee's First Name],

As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain open communication and foster professional development, this memo serves to provide feedback on your performance for the month of [Month]. Please take a moment to review the below observations and suggestions.


  • Successfully completed [specific project/task] ahead of schedule.

  • Demonstrated strong [specific skill] in [specific instance].

  • Received positive feedback from [specific colleague/client] regarding [specific instance].

Areas of Improvement

  • There were a few instances where [Specific Task or Responsibility] was delayed/not up to the standard expected. It might be beneficial to [Specific Recommendation].

  • [Specific behavior] has been noted as a concern. Moving forward, please ensure [Specific Recommendation].

Goals for the Upcoming Month

  • Focus on [specific task or project].

  • Engage in [specific training] to enhance [specific skill].

  • Collaborate with [specific department or colleague] to [specific objective or reason].

Additional Feedback

It's been noted that [positive behavior] has contributed to a positive team atmosphere. Keep it up! However, [specific observation].

Conclusion and Next Steps

Overall, your contributions this month have been valuable, and we look forward to seeing your continued progress. Please take the above feedback into consideration as we move into the next month. Let's set up a time to discuss any questions, concerns, or additional support you may need.

Best regards,

[Supervisor/Manager's Full Name]

[Supervisor/Manager's Position]

[Contact Information]

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