Free Accounts Payment Processing Rubric Template



Free Accounts Payment Processing Rubric Template

Accounts Payment Processing Rubric

Scoring Scale

  • 4 - Excellent: Exemplary performance, consistently exceeding expectations.

  • 3 - Good: Satisfactory performance with occasional areas for improvement.

  • 2 - Average: Adequate performance, meeting basic standards.

  • 1 - Poor: Subpar performance, requiring immediate attention.






Timing of Payments

Payments are always made on time or early

Most payments are made on time

Sometimes tardy on payment dates

Consistently late on payments

Accuracy of Payments

No errors in payment calculations and always the exact amount

Occasional minor errors in payment calculations

Frequent errors in payment calculations

Consistent and significant errors in payment calculations

Ease of Navigation

The payments system is straightforward and easy to use

Some parts of the payments system are confusing but it is still usable

The payments system is hard to navigate and is not intuitive

The payments system is unusable and extremely confusing


All payment processes are well-documented and easy to understand

Most of the payment processes are documented

Some payment processes are documented

Payment processes are not documented

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