Free Payroll Accounting Calculation Rubric Template



Free Payroll Accounting Calculation Rubric Template

Payroll Accounting Calculation Rubric

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Role/Position: [Your Role/Position]

Date Prepared: [MM/DD/YYYY]



(1 point)


(2 points)


(3 points)


(4 points)

Knowledge of Payroll Concepts

Limited knowledge of payroll concepts.

Basic knowledge of payroll concepts.

Good knowledge of payroll concepts.

Exceptional knowledge of payroll concepts.

Accuracy of Calculations

Most payroll calculations are incorrect.

Some payroll calculations are correct.

Most payroll calculations are correct.

All payroll calculations are correct.

Foundation of Payroll Legislation

Limited familiarity with payroll legislation.

Average foundation of payroll legislation.

Proficient knowledge of payroll legislation.

Exceptional grasp of payroll legislation.

Use of Payroll Software

Ineffective use of payroll software.

Basic use of payroll software.

Good use of payroll software.

Exceptional use of payroll software.

Professional Conduct and Timeliness

Task is delayed or lacks work ethic.

On-time task but with some evident gaps.

Work is completed on-time and demonstrates good work ethic.

Exceptional early completion with high work ethic.

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