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Hazard Resolution HR

Hazard Resolution HR

In the pursuit of maintaining a safe and secure working environment, it is imperative to identify, assess, and resolve potential hazards promptly. By documenting hazard details, evaluating their severity and likelihood, and implementing effective control measures, we aim to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of our personnel and the preservation of our assets. Through the collective efforts of our dedicated team and a commitment to safety, we strive to minimize risks and enhance the overall safety of our workplace.

Hazard Identification Number:


Hazard Description:

Slippery floor due to a leaking pipe

Date Of Hazard Identification:

[Month Day, Year]

Location Of Hazard:

Warehouse A, Loading Bay 3

Hazard Category:


Hazard Severity Level:


Hazard Probability Level:


Hazard Impact:

The hazard poses a moderate risk of slips, falls, and potential injuries to warehouse personnel and may lead to damage to goods.

Hazard Identification Team:

  • John Smith, Health and Safety Officer

  • Sarah Johnson, Warehouse Supervisor

  • Mike Williams, Maintenance Technician

Hazard Assessment:

  1. Likelihood of Occurrence: 3 (Frequent)

  2. Severity of Consequences: 3 (Moderate)

  3. Risk Level (Likelihood x Severity): 9

Control Measures:

Control Measure 1: Repair The Leaking Pipe


Fix the leaking pipe promptly to prevent water accumulation on the floor.

Responsible Person

[Your Name]   

Implementation Date

[Month Day, Year]

Effectiveness Assessment

The leaking pipe has been repaired, and subsequent inspections confirm no further leakage.

Control Measure 2: Install Non-Slip Mats Near Loading Bay 3


Place non-slip mats in the immediate vicinity of Loading Bay 3 to enhance traction.

Responsible Person

[Your Name]   

Implementation Date

[Month Day, Year]

Effectiveness Assessment

Non-slip mats have been installed, and personnel report improved safety.

Monitoring And Review:

Monitoring Frequency


Review Date

[Month Day, Year]

Responsible Person For Monitoring

[Your Name]   


This Hazard Resolution Template has been reviewed and approved by:

Name of Approver: [Your Name]      

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Signature of Approver: [Signature]

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