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Work Equipment Allocation Slip HR

Work Equipment Allocation Slip

Employee Information

Name: Allison Blair

Employee ID: 908-7890

Department: Marketing

Date: October 5, 2053

Equipment Details

Description of Allocated Equipment:

  • Laptop

  • Desktop Computer

  • Mobile Phone

  • Tablet

  • Other (Please specify):

Serial Number/Asset Tag: 


Allocation Details

Return Date:

[Month Day, Year]

Reason for Allocation:

Responsibilities and Guidelines

  • The allocated equipment is the property of [Your Company Name] and should be used solely for work-related purposes.

  • The employee is responsible for the safekeeping and maintenance of the allocated equipment.

  • Any damage or malfunction must be reported immediately to the IT department.

  • The employee is required to follow the company's IT and data security policies while using the allocated equipment.

  • Personal software installations are not allowed on company-provided devices.

  • All company data stored on the allocated equipment should be handled in accordance with company policies on data security and confidentiality.

  • The allocated equipment should not be left unattended in a vehicle or public place.

  • Upon the completion of employment or when requested by the company, the allocated equipment must be returned promptly and in the same condition as when received.

  • The employee is responsible for returning all accessories and peripherals (e.g., chargers, cables) along with the equipment.

  • Failure to return the allocated equipment in good condition may result in the deduction of the equipment's value from the employee's final paycheck.

Employee Acknowledgment

I, [Employee Name], acknowledge that I have received the above-mentioned work equipment and understand my responsibilities and obligations regarding its use and return.



Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Supervisor Acknowledgment

I, [Supervisor Name], confirm that I have reviewed and approved the allocation of the equipment described above to the employee. I also confirm that the employee has been made aware of their responsibilities regarding the use and return of the equipment.



Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

HR Approval

This equipment allocation has been reviewed and approved by the Human Resources department.


[HR Name]

HR Manager/Representative

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

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