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Sales Product Update Resolution

Sales Product Update Resolution

The following resolution has been adopted by the Board of Directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], at a regular meeting duly called and held on [DATE], at which a quorum was present and acting throughout:

WHEREAS, the dynamics of the marketplace necessitates consistent reviews and update of the products managed and sold by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and,

WHEREAS, our continuous mission to provide superior customer service, embrace innovation and promote the company’s growth and profitability, it is imperative to periodically review and update our product details and offerings, and,

WHEREAS, our sales team plays an integral role in driving the success of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] by ensuring that our clients are well informed about our products, hence the need for them to be abreast with the latest information and updates related to our products.


1. A comprehensive update and review of all products and services offered by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall be conducted by the product management team.

2. The Sales team shall receive a detailed presentation on these updates by the product management team on [DATE].

3. The Sales team is expected to incorporate these updates in their respective sales strategies and client interactions.

4. The product management team will provide continuous support and further clarification if needed by the sales team.

5. The sales team will eventually provide feedback on the impact of this update to their sales efforts which should be objectively reviewed for further actions.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be included in the minutes of the Board of Directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and upon approval shall be in full force and effect.

Adopted this [DATE]


Board Director


Board Secretary

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