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Intake Memo

Accident Claim Review Memo

To: [Partner's Name]
From: [Your Name]

Position: [Your Position]
Date: [Date]
Subject: New Client Intake - [Client's Name] - Personal Injury Claim

  1. Client Information

  • Name: [Client's Full Name]

  • Contact: [Client's Address, Phone, Email]

  • Preferred Communication: [e.g., Email]

  1. Case Summary
    [Client's Name] was rear-ended at a stop light by [Other Party's Name] on [Date of Incident], resulting in injuries (e.g., whiplash, broken wrist), medical expenses, lost wages, and ongoing pain. The client seeks legal representation to pursue compensation.

  2. Objectives

  • Compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other recoverable damages.

  1. Preliminary Legal Issues

  • Establishing [Other Party's Name]'s liability.

  • Assessing damage extent and insurance coverage.

  • Considering the client's comparative negligence.

  • Reviewing statute of limitations in [Jurisdiction].

  1. Initial Documents

  • Police reports, medical records/bills, accident scene photos, and insurance correspondence.

  1. Initial Legal Strategy

  • Analyze provided documents.

  • Consider further investigation to support the client's account.

  • Start settlement discussions with the opposing insurance.

  • Prepare for lawsuit filing if necessary.

  1. Action Items

  • Schedule detailed client meetings.

  • Assign paralegal for statute of limitations verification and timeline creation.

  • Begin drafting a demand letter to insurance.

  1. Next Steps
    Request review of this memo and input on legal strategies or actions. Propose an internal strategy meeting by [Date] to detail discuss the case.




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