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Departure Memo


To: Team
From: [Your Name]
Date: August 21, 2051

Subject: Departure Announcement - [Employee's Name], [Employee's Position]

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. It is with mixed emotions that I announce the departure of [Employee's Name], our [Employee's Position], effective [Departure Date].

During [his/her] tenure at [Your Company Name], [Employee's Name] has made significant contributions to our team, particularly in [briefly mention key contributions or projects]. [He/She] has been a [positive trait, e.g., "dedicated," "reliable," "innovative"] team member, always willing to go above and beyond to ensure the success of our projects.

We are incredibly grateful for [Employee's Name]'s hard work and dedication, and [his/her] presence will be greatly missed. We will be organizing a farewell gathering on [Farewell Date] to celebrate [his/her] achievements and wish [him/her] the best in [his/her] future endeavors.

In [Employee's Name]'s absence, [mention any interim arrangements or plans for transitioning responsibilities, if applicable]. [Include any instructions or information for contacting the departing employee after their departure, if relevant].

This memo is intended for all employees. If you have any questions or need assistance during this transition period, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or [Employee's Name].

Thank you,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

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