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Attendance Warning Memo

Attendance Improvement Memo

TO: [Employee's Name]
FROM: [Your Name]
DATE: [Date]
SUBJECT: Immediate Action Required: Attendance Policy Adherence

Dear [Employee's Name],

We value your contributions to [Your Company Name], yet we must address critical concerns regarding your attendance:


  • Tardiness is noted on [dates].

  • Unreported absences were observed on [dates].

  • Unauthorized early departures on [dates].


  • Directly affects team performance and operational efficiency.

  • Places additional burdens on colleagues, disrupting workflow.

Policy Reference:

  • As per our Employee Handbook (Section [X]: Attendance Policy), reliability in attendance is mandatory.

  • Your actions contravene these expectations, necessitating immediate corrective measures.

Required Action:

  • Immediate and sustained improvement in attendance patterns.

  • Schedule a meeting with me by [date] to discuss your action plan.

Support Offered:

  • If personal issues are impacting your attendance, please communicate.

  • We are prepared to offer confidential support and work toward viable solutions.

Consequences of Inaction:

  • Failure to demonstrate improvement may lead to further disciplinary actions, up to and including potential dismissal.

Next Steps:

  • A follow-up assessment will occur within [time frame].

  • This period is critical for demonstrating your commitment to meeting our attendance standards.

We believe in your ability to turn this situation around and continue making valuable contributions to our team. Immediate action and open communication are essential moving forward.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Department Name]
[Your Company Email]

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