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Attendance Memo for Employees

Attendance Compliance Memo

TO: [Employee]


DATE: [Date]

SUBJECT: Attendance Policy Compliance

Dear [Employee],

We at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] greatly value your contributions and dedication. However, we must address a critical issue concerning your attendance. Notably, there have been several instances of:

  • Tardiness

  • Unexcused absences

  • Deviations from our established attendance policy

Importance of Punctuality and Attendance:

  • Operational Efficiency: Your role is crucial for smooth team operations.

  • Team Productivity: Absences and lateness disrupt workflow and affect overall productivity.

  • Organizational Success: Our collective commitment is key to achieving our goals.

Expected Actions:

  • Immediate Improvement: We urge you to promptly correct your attendance record.

  • Potential Consequences: Continued issues may lead to further disciplinary actions, including possible termination.

Support and Clarification:

  • We are here to support you. If you need clarification on our attendance policy or require assistance, please reach out.

  • We believe in constructive solutions and are committed to working together to resolve this matter.

Your Urgent Attention Required:

This memo is not punitive but a necessary reminder of our expectations. Your swift action to improve your attendance is crucial for your continued success at [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

Thank you for addressing this issue with the seriousness it deserves. Together, we can overcome this challenge.

Best regards,


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