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Field Trip Memo

Approval Memorandum

To: All Parents

From: [Your Name]



Date: May 10, 2060

Subject: Field Trip Authorization and Guidelines

Dear Parents,

As part of our dedication to providing an enriched educational environment for our students, we are planning an upcoming field trip. This trip is seen as a comprehensive education-focused activity, aiming to enhance classroom learning and give practical knowledge to our students. The details of the trip, including the purpose, itinerary, and safety measures are outlined below:

Purpose: The objective of this field trip is to provide our students with a first-hand experience that complements and broadens their academic knowledge.

Itinerary: The trip is scheduled for a full day. We will depart from school in the early morning and return in the late afternoon. More details to follow upon approval.

Safety Guidelines: The safety of our students is our top priority and we are taking all the necessary precautionary measures. School staff and volunteers will be accompanying the students. There will be adequate supervision, and the necessary medical and first aid provisions will be available during the trip.

Your authorization is crucial for us to move forward. You may give your permission by completing the attached slip below and returning it to the school. Please respond by [due date] so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Response Slip

Parent name: [Parent's Name]

Student's name: [Student's Name]

❑ I grant permission for my child to attend the field trip.

❑ I do not grant permission for my child to attend the field trip.

[Parent's Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

We sincerely appreciate your prompt response and support towards our educational initiatives. We look forward to this exciting academic venture.


[Your Name]


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