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Conditional Release Memo


To: [Employee's Name]

From: [Your Name]

HR Department


Subject: Conditional Release Terms

Dear [Employee's Name],

We hope this memorandum finds you well. As you are aware, you have recently completed a disciplinary suspension due to violations of the company's code of conduct, specifically related to repeated tardiness and displaying a negative attitude in the workplace. We are writing to inform you that you are now eligible for conditional release, provided that you meet certain performance expectations and adhere to the terms outlined herein.

Terms of Conditional Release:

  1. Punctuality:

    • You are expected to arrive at work on time every scheduled workday.

    • Tardiness will not be tolerated and may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

  2. Attitude and Behavior:

    • You are expected to maintain a positive and professional attitude at all times when interacting with colleagues, supervisors, and clients.

    • Any behavior deemed disruptive, disrespectful, or negative will be subject to immediate review and potential disciplinary measures.

  3. Performance Expectations:

    • Meet all job-related duties and responsibilities as outlined in your job description.

    • Strive for excellence in your work performance and actively seek opportunities for improvement and professional development.

  4. Monitoring and Evaluation:

    • Your performance and behavior will be closely monitored during the conditional release period.

    • Regular evaluations will be conducted to assess your adherence to the terms outlined in this memo.

Consequences for Further Infractions:

  • Failure to comply with the terms of this conditional release may result in additional disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment.

We want to emphasize that this conditional release serves as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your commitment to upholding the standards of our company and to regain the trust and confidence of your colleagues and supervisors.

Please indicate your understanding and acceptance of these terms by signing and dating this memorandum below. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the terms outlined herein, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department for clarification.


[Your Name]

HR Department

[Your Company Name]

Acknowledgment of Receipt and Acceptance:

I, [Employee's Name], acknowledge that I have received and read the terms outlined in this memorandum regarding my conditional release. I understand the expectations and consequences associated with this conditional release, and I agree to comply with the terms outlined herein.



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