Free Failure To Pay Rent Notice Template



Free Failure To Pay Rent Notice Template


January 20, 2050

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Address]


This notice serves as a formal reminder that as of [DATE ], our records indicate an outstanding balance for your rental property. According to the terms of your lease agreement, your rent was due by [DUE DATE] and remains unpaid. The total amount of rent owed is [$AMOUNT].

Your timely payments are critical to maintaining a smooth running of operations and upholding our lease agreement's integrity. This notice is as a formal reminder of your obligation to pay rent promptly. Failure to address this matter and settle the outstanding balance may result in further action, including but not limited to late fees, legal proceedings, or termination of the lease agreement.

You currently have a late fee of [$LATE FEE], accumulating daily, as detailed within your lease agreement. We request an immediate settlement of the overdue rent along with the incurred late fees to bring your account back to good standing.

Kindly use the following payment details to submit the overdue amount:

Payment Options: Bank: [BANK NAME] Account Name: [ACCOUNT NAME] Account Number: [ACCOUNT NUMBER] For online payment options, please visit our website: [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE]

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice or your rental account, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately at [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER].

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that we can resolve this issue amicably and continue our positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Best Regards,


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