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Marketing Event Recap Video Distribution Plan

Marketing Event Recap Video Distribution Plan

Event Details

Event Name: Digital Marketing Summit 2050

Date of Event: November 15-17, 2050

Location: City Convention Center

Video Recap Produced by: [Your Company Name]


The objective of this distribution plan is to effectively promote and share the event recap video of the Digital Marketing Summit 2050, highlighting key moments and insights to a wide and relevant audience.

Distribution Channels

A. YouTube Channel: Upload the event recap video to the company's YouTube channel for easy access to a global audience. Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to improve discoverability.

B. Company Website: Feature the event recap video prominently on the company website's homepage or a dedicated event page. Provide a brief introduction and a call-to-action (CTA) to watch the full video.

Social Media Platforms

A. LinkedIn: Share the video on the company's LinkedIn page and personal profiles of team members who attended the event. Encourage employees to like, share, and comment to expand their reach.

B. Twitter: Post teaser clips from the video with event highlights and include event-related hashtags to maximize visibility.

C. Facebook: Share the video on the company's Facebook page with a catchy caption and encourage followers to share it within their networks.

D. Instagram: Share snippets or a shorter version of the video on Instagram, and utilize Instagram Stories to engage the audience.

E. Email Newsletter: Send an email newsletter to the company's subscriber list, featuring the event recap video along with a brief summary of the key takeaways. Include a CTA to watch the full video.

F. Blog Post: Create a blog post summarizing the event and embed the video within the post. Share the blog post on social media and through email newsletters.

Professional Networking Platforms

A. LinkedIn Groups: Share the video in relevant LinkedIn groups, showcasing the company's expertise and promoting discussions.

B. Industry Forums: Post the video in industry-specific forums or communities where professionals discuss marketing topics.

C. Event Partners: Collaborate with event partners, if applicable, to share the video on their platforms, increasing the video's reach to their audiences.

Distribution Schedule

Upload the video to YouTube, the company website, and social media platforms within 48 hours of the event's conclusion to capitalize on post-event engagement.

  • 1-2 Weeks After the Event: Send out the email newsletter with the video to maintain the momentum and re-engage with attendees and subscribers.

  • Ongoing Promotion: Continuously promote the video on social media platforms for the next 3-4 weeks with regular updates and reposts to maintain audience interest.

  • Long-Term Strategy: Keep the video accessible on the company's website and YouTube channel for long-term viewership.

Engagement and Metrics

A. Monitor engagement metrics on social media platforms, including likes, shares, comments, and views.

B. Track the video's performance on YouTube, measuring views, watch time, and subscriber growth.

C. Monitor website traffic, specifically the page hosting the video, and track how many users click the CTA to watch the video.

D. Analyze email open rates, click-through rates, and video play rates from the email newsletter.

E. Gather qualitative feedback from the audience through comments, direct messages, and surveys to assess the video's impact and areas for improvement.


The Marketing Event Recap Video Distribution Plan aims to maximize the reach and impact of the Digital Marketing Summit 2050 recap video. By leveraging various distribution channels, a strategic schedule, and engagement metrics, we aim to ensure that the video reaches a broad and engaged audience, ultimately achieving our goal of showcasing the event's value and expertise to the marketing community.

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