Free Marketing Affiliate Monthly Statement Template
Marketing Affiliate Monthly Statement
Payment Details: |
Payment Method: |
Bank: |
Check |
Martin's Holdings |
Affiliate Performance: Total Affiliate Earnings: $[000,000] |
Product Performance: |
Dice |
Units Sold |
Revenue |
Commission Earned |
6-sided |
5,000 |
$50,000 |
$15,000 |
8-sided |
10-sided |
12-sided |
20-sided |
Affiliate Marketing Summary: |
Total Sales |
Total Commissions Earned |
Conversion Rate |
Average Commission Percentage |
$[000,000] |
$[00,000] |
[00.0]% |
[00]% |
Top Performing Channels |
Future Opportunities: |
Notes |
Prepared By: [Your Name]
For the Month of [Month, Year]