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Email Marketing Open Rate Rubric

Email Marketing Open Rate Rubric

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Exceptional (5 points):

  • Open rate significantly surpasses industry benchmarks.

  • Substantially higher than average engagement.

Above Average (4 points):

  • Open rate is notably higher than the industry average.

  • Reflects a solid level of engagement and audience interest.

Average (3 points):

  • Open rate aligns with industry standards and norms.

  • Represents a satisfactory level of engagement from the audience.

Below Average (2 points):

  • Open rate falls below industry benchmarks and averages.

  • May indicate issues with content relevance, subject lines, or audience targeting.

Poor (1 point):

  • Open rate is significantly lower than industry standards.

  • Suggests severe issues with email marketing campaigns.

Example Email Marketing Open Rate Assessment Form using the above rubric

Open Rate Category:

  • Exceptional (5 points): Open rate significantly surpasses industry benchmarks.

  • Above Average (4 points): Open rate is notably higher than the industry average.

  • Average (3 points): Open rate aligns with industry standards and norms.

  • Below Average (2 points): Open rate falls below industry benchmarks and averages.

  • Poor (1 point): Open rate is significantly lower than industry standards.

Which email campaigns are you evaluating? (Select all that apply):

  • Newsletter

  • Product Updates

  • Promotions

  • Event Invitations

  • Other (please specify): _______

What is the average open rate percentage for the selected campaigns?


Detailed Explanation (optional):


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