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Email Marketing Year-End Review Memo

Email Marketing Year-End Review Memo

Prepared by: [Your Company Name]

For the Attention of:
[Your Name]
[Your Email]
[Your Company Number]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Subject: Year-End Review of Email Marketing Performance for [Year]


As the year draws to a close, it is important for us to review the performance of our email marketing campaigns in [Year]. This memo aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs), successes, challenges, and future goals.


  1. Overview of [Year] Objectives

  2. KPI Review

  3. Success Stories

  4. Challenges Faced

  5. Goals for [Year]

Overview of [Year] Objectives:

The main objectives for the year were:

  • Increase subscriber engagement by [00]%

  • Improve open rates by [00]%

  • Achieve a click-through rate (CTR) of at least [0]%

KPI Review





Subscriber Engagement



Exceeded target

Open Rates


Success Stories:

  • Our seasonal holiday campaign resulted in a [00]% increase in sales compared to [Year].

  • Implementation of automated workflows led to a [00]% increase in subscriber retention rates.

Challenges Faced:

  • Initial drop in engagement due to the global economic downturn.

  • Compliance issues that were quickly addressed but led to temporary halts in specific campaigns.

Goals for [Year]:

  • Achieve a [00]% subscriber engagement rate.

  • Aim for a [00]% open rate.

  • Increase CTR to [00]%.


Overall, [Year] was a successful year for our email marketing initiatives, but there is still room for improvement. All team members are encouraged to participate in brainstorming sessions to contribute ideas for [Year] strategies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please feel free to contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] or [Your Company Number] with any questions or feedback.

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