Sterilization Log

Sterilization Log


Prepared by: [Your Name]
Company: [Your Company Name]

Subject: Dental Clinic Sterilization Log

The consistent sterilization of dental instruments is fundamental for ensuring the safety of both patients and clinic personnel. Each entry represents a completed sterilization cycle.



Person Responsible

Cycle Used

August 11, 2059

08:00 AM

Dr. Smith

Steam Autoclave

August 11, 2059

09:30 AM

Nurse Johnson

Dry Heat Sterilizer

August 11, 2059

10: 00AM

Dr. Lee

Chemical Disinfection

August 15, 2059

07:30 AM

Dental Assistant

Ultrasonic Cleaner

August 15, 2059

08:00 AM

Dr. Patel

Steam Autoclave

August 15, 2059

10:00 AM

Nurse Thompson

Dry Heat Sterilizer

August 16, 2059

01:00 PM

Dr. Rodriguez

Chemical Disinfection

August 16, 2059

03:00 PM

Dental Assistant

Ultrasonic Cleaner


  • Sterilization must be performed twice daily: once before the clinic opens and once after it closes.

  • The individual responsible for the procedure must verify the sterilization settings before initiating the cycle to ensure efficacy and safety.

  • Ensure all instruments are properly cleaned before sterilization.

  • Monitor sterilization equipment for maintenance and calibration regularly.

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